Building Bridges: Community strategies and research insights from the CureME team and ME/CFS study participants
Thank you to everyone who joined out first interactive webinar, bringing researchers and participants together, which we held this February with guest speaker Dr Jaqueline Cliff from Brunel University.
Dr Cliff gave a presentation on Dr Sook’s recent publication “Abnormal T-Cell Activation and Cytotoxic T-Cell Frequency Discriminates Symptom Severity In Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, explaining the hypothesis of the study and the initial results in an accessible way.
The CureME team and the participants to learned much from each other as they interacted online following the talk. It gave us a clearer idea of the needs and priorities of people with ME/CFS, which is invaluable as we discuss research direction and how we can make study participation more ME/CFS friendly.
We would like to thank the participants again for sharing their thoughts and for the very informative discussions.
Please watch the recording and feel free to post something in the comments box if you would like to share your thoughts on the questions in the interaction sections, or if you have any questions for Dr Cliff.
We look forward to seeing you for the next webinar.
.We look forward to your feedback and to the next webinar.
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