Leading research into ME/CFS

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Join our research: Healthy controls needed for our HHV-6 study

Are you interested in contributing to ME/CFS research and making a meaningful impact on the lives of those affected by this debilitating condition? If so, we invite you to become a healthy control participant in our Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) Study. 

What is the HHV-6 Study? 

Our research team is embarking on a study designed to explore the association and temporal relationship between HHV-6 DNA concentration and the severity of ME/CFS. Herpesviruses are of interest to researchers in the ME/CFS community due to their potential to affect the immune system and overall health. By participating in this study, you can play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of ME/CFS and its potential links to HHV-6. 

How can I help? 

We are actively seeking healthy individuals aged 18-59 to participate in our HHV-6 Study as healthy controls. Your involvement is crucial to helping us uncover answers.  

As a participant in the HHV-6 Study, you will receive specially designed packages for saliva collection, allowing for non-invasive and convenient biological sample collection. Over six months, you will return these samples for analysis.  

Additionally, you will be asked to complete weekly symptom questionnaires online using our new CureME participant portal. 

How to get involved:

Contact us