Leading research into ME/CFS

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News and Events

‘Long COVID – we’ve been here before’

We strongly endorse a new article published by the BMA that draws attention to people with long COVID who are experiencing issues with disbelief and stigma similar to those that people with ME/CFS have endured over decades: https://www.bma.org.uk/news-and-opinion/long-covid-we-ve-been-here-before Nina Muirhead is a respected surgeon with ME/CFS with whom we have collaborated closely, and Charles Shepherd, of […]

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Farewell to Shennae

It is bittersweet to announce that our Research Assistant, Shennae O’Boyle, has departed from the CureME team to work in vaccine surveillance for Public Health England. Shennae has been a wonderfully hard working and valuable member of our team, and we know that you will share our pride for her as she furthers her career. […]

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Preprint manuscript from the CureME team:

“Salivary DNA loads for human herpes viruses 6 and 7 are correlated with disease phenotype in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.06.20248486v1

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”Long Covid’ is anything but a mild illness’

Very interesting article from Joanna Herman who is a consultant in infectious diseases in London. https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/C4RICmy54u5n4V6tGh2uV?domain=theguardian.com

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CureME Christmas Appeal

CureME is at the forefront of participatory epidemiological, clinical and laboratory research into ME/CFS in the UK.  At this time, we are particularly keen to look at the biological effects of Long Covid and any similarities to ME/CFS, with the hope of discovering more about ME/CFS disease mechanisms to improve its diagnosis and treatment. We […]

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Living in Lockdown with M.E.

I’ve been housebound and living in ‘lockdown’ due to severe M.E for twenty eight years. My illness keeps me very housebound at all times. I’m still not well enough to get out and take a stroll, and my mobility is still very poor. I’m also just not well enough to socialise or to get and […]

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Farewell to Dio

It is with huge sadness that we have to announce Dio Giotas’s departure from the CureME team. Dio has been part of the team for almost two years, and we know that you will share our sadness as he takes up a new position. A major part of Dio’s work involves meeting with and clinically […]

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Q&A for UKMEB COVID-19 study (for our current participants)

Q. “I participated in the UK ME/CFS Biobank study as a control (i.e. I don’t have ME/CFS); did you mean to contact me?” A. Yes! We are inviting all participants of the UK ME/CFS Biobank Study to join this sub-study, whether they have ME/CFS, MS or are a healthy control. We would like to gather […]

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It’s M.E. Linda

“Personal” I’ve not been so busy for many, many years.  All because I am now the Logistics Manager obtaining all supermarket requirements for 3 vulnerable households. Weeks 1-5 were horrendous, constant, repetitive supermarket slot hunting, despite having been a continuous weekly online supermarket shopper for at least 4 years. Eventually, being a delivery pass holder […]

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Research Round-up: our work over the last year

As ME Awareness Week draws to a close, we’d like to round up some of our research work over the past year. Our published research is found in a number of different journals, but you can always find all of our peer-reviewed publications on our website. Our team has diverse expertise in clinical research, epidemiology, […]

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